Friday, June 7, 2013

History of the Mission


The Diocese of Fall River created the Honduran Mission in 2000. The mission is in the town of Guaimaca which is located two hours from Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. Through the health clinic, girls' school programs and other events, the Diocesan Mission aims to help the poorest of the poor in rural Honduras. UCLA ASDA (American Student Dental Association) students will be providing dental treatment to thousands of patients between the June, and September trips we have organized for 2013. The treatment will include, oral health instruction, prophylaxis, restorations, extractions and more. Most of the people we will be providing care to have never had any dental treatment and many do not even have the resources for or understanding of the importance of preventative care. Our goal is to provide treatment to as many patients as possible, but even more importantly, to educate them on proper oral health care. This will enable them to bring what they learn back to their families along with the toothbrushes and toothpaste we will be handing out. Our UCLA mission groups are very excited to be able to put our skills to use for such an impoverished community.
Last year we sent two trips of 14 dental students and dentists each to the clinic in Guaimaca. The 2012 trips were the foundation for our current efforts to improve the clinic, the mission trip organization, and our fundraising efforts. This year, we have received lots of donations from various companies such as P&G, Johnson & Johnson, Brassler USA, Medical Protective, Patterson Dental Supply and more!
Stay tuned for updates while we pack the supplies and prepare for the June trip departure!!!

If you would like specific information about the mission, how to donate money or supplies or possibly participate on one of the mission trips, please email Ryan Brennan, at

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